Friday, September 10, 2010

the happening

Students from Classroom 102 located in Washington, DC at The George Washington University will host a balloon release. There will be 10 balloons a day for 10 days with 10 students in different locations on campus (Smith Hall 4th floor patio, University yard, Kogan Plaza, GWU Community Garden, Foggy Bottom Metro, Phillips Hall roof, etc). We are collecting 100 note card recipes, one for each balloon. Our goal is to share recipes and share food.

As part of our Fly Away Recipe happening we are hosting a potluck in Classroom 102 on Tuesday, September 28 from 5:30-7pm at 801 22nd Street NW, Washington, DC 20052.

We are asking students and community members to please bring nonperishable food items between 9/20-10/1 which we will donate to the Capital food bank. We also encourage ingredients from the collected recipes to be donated.

Thank you!

If you have found one of our balloons please give us some feedback.